Sunday, January 23, 2011

Enjoying Beautiful Cabo Verde

Dear family and friends,

We feel like we are on a fast track, trying to get projects ready to give over to a new couple (no one called yet), and to see and do all the things we want to experience again, for the last time, like our trip last Monday to Santo Antao. 
The boat that we travel on between islands.

The windy mountain heights

Our group of missionaries in the pine forest.

A sister missionary.

The HUGE waves on the ocean on our group trip. (Thankful the waves were not big when we were on the boat.)

Tomorrow is Roger's birthday, also our cat Sam.  Nicole's 1st grade devotional program at school in on Wednesday.  Any more news from anyone?
We have been having troubles with our email server, so are going to switch to gmail soon. 
The weather here is no longer hot--some days I even carry or wear a sweater because of the chilly wind, especially close to the sea.  When we went to Santo Antao, up in the pine forest, it was so cold we could see our breath!--a "first-time" here.
Last Sunday I taught the Relief Society lesson on Fasting, all in Portuguese.  I have learned previously that preparation ahead of time is the key to not being scared or nervous.  Since I had to translate all I wanted to say that was not in the book, I needed plenty of time to prepare.  The lesson went fine and every sister helped me with comments or reading, etc.  I just hope it doesn't happen again!
We have been going to the local hospital twice a week to deliver newborn baby kits (from Salt Lake) to the new mothers.  Last Thursday there were 33 new babies, including 2 sets of twins!
Yesterday there was a baptism of a lovely young adult woman, the only member in her family.  Her mother and sister came to the baptism even though they were not in favor of it, but hopefully they were welcomed and felt the love shared in this church, and will be OK with their daughter and sister joining.
One of my piano students is helping me with piano teaching by translating and explaining some of the concepts.  He also has begun playing one hymn in sacrament meeting each week, working with the branch president as to which hymn to play.  Today we went to the other chapel, and he wanted to play all 4 hymns in our home branch.  When I saw him later, he said it went very well, and the branch president said so also.  He will become my replacement for our branch music!  He jumps right in to any chance to play and is not afraid to play in front of others--in fact, he blossoms with it.  He is one of the three to whom we gave a personal keyboard to take home a few weeks ago.
Tomorrow is P-day, and the missionaries want to come to our house in the afternoon to watch a church movie and eat pizza and cheesecake (they furnish the pizza, I made the cheesecake).  They are all so fun to be with, and it is great to hear of their teaching experiences. 
The Lord's tender mercies keep coming to us and helping us meet the right person at the right time.  Prayer over many seemingly small things really helps to solve problems, such as not knowing how to fix something, or whom to call for assistance, etc.
Enjoy the photos.  , the windy mountain heights, our group of missionaries in the pine forest, a sister missionary, and the HUGE waves on the ocean on our group trip.(Thankful the waves were not big when we were on the boat.)
See you soon!  Big hugs and loves for all, and prayers for you every day.

Love always, 

Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa, Elder and Sister

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Dear families and friends,

How did you each spend New Years Eve and Day?  We slept late (till 7:30!!), then went to visit a good friend in another part of the city--bus ride required.  We really enjoyed the midnight fireworks display.  Today we are going to Skype with our friend, the former mission nurse, from British Columbia, Canada.  Two sister missionaries who knew her very well and lived with her for many months here, are coming over to join in the Skype call.
This Christmas season I was not as homesick as last year--guess it's because we know that we will soon be home in America.  We have truly enjoyed viewing the lights and decorations in the town, sitting beside the ocean at sunset and hearing the waves, trading small gifts with friends, and having a magnificent choir program the Sunday before Christmas (this made up for the program given in November at District Conference where the choir was a total of 5 women!)  The district president made special invites to all the men who could sing to come to choir practice for the Christmas program, and they did--we had 40 singers in all. 
On Christmas Day we had all the missionaries here for dinner and for a skit from each of the two districts.  It was just plain FUN.  We also had a gift exchange among them all, including us, a gift fit for either elder or sister for about $5.00.  Then they went to their separate homes to speak with parents.  In the evening 6 of them returned to our house and brought a movie, "The Grinch", which we all enjoyed and laughed over.  It was so GOOD to see you on Skype--thank you so much for making that possible!
The week between Christmas and New Years is the slowest time here for mission work, so we have relaxed each day, but are now looking forward to going strong again on Monday.  Larry is going to teach the Gospel Doctrine class tomorrow, and then in three weeks, I have to teach the Relief Society lesson on "Fasting" from "Gospel Principles".  I am going on faith mostly because my speaking and understanding of the language is still not good, so I will have a translator to help me understand the comments of the class members. 
We are in need of the prayers of each of you about having a replacement couple for us, hopefully to be here before we leave in March.  Please help us with this.
Next Christmas I am going to make a gingerbread house and then on New Years Day, the grandchildren and adults also (if they wish) can come to our house and take it apart and eat it.  Just like when you were kids.
We have many answers to prayer daily, as we see things fall into place and make way for greater works.  We pray for each of you daily, and love you all very much.  We are looking forward to seeing you in a little while.
Love always,

Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa, Elder and Sister