Saturday, November 7, 2009

Um Abraco Grande

Dear family,
We think of you often with love.  Everyone who visits us loves the family photo that we had taken after our farewell.

It has been an unusual week--I am so glad we live in Mindelo on the northern islands, instead of in Praia on the southern islands.  They are in the midst of an outbreak, epidemic of Dengye fever, similar to malaria, spread by mosquitoes.  There has been an unusual amount of rain in Cape Verde the last 2 months and the mosquito population is heavy, at least in Praia, the capital city and where the mission home is.  1000 new cases a day, and several deaths!  Yesterday the president of the country (who lives next door to us when he is in town)called for a national holiday for everyone to clean up any weeds, standing water, etc. where mosquitoes could breed.  The whole city took part.  We went around informing people about it with the young single adult group with whom we associate in Outreach at the church.  The military academy at the top of our street was also out in full form helping clean up.

So far no sickness has been reported on our island, but we are asking for your prayers that it may not come here, and also for the people of Praia who are sick.

We met with doctors from Utah and with the hospital here to begin the training in Neonatal Resuscitation for babies who are born but not breathing.  It is so exciting to realize that such a simple technique as a bag and mask can save a life in the first few minutes after birth.  The doctors then train those who are birth attendants and midwives who live in remote areas.

We enjoy association with the young elders and sisters in weekly district meetings at our chapel and in going teaching with them.  We went last Sunday evening with the sisters to teach three people, all different places, and since it gets dark here at 6:30 each night, we were hiking up dirt hills in the dark to find the homes.  It was scary because we could not see where we were stepping, and we did not bring a flashlight (we should have!)  "Faith in every footstep"!

Hope you will get together for a Thanksgiving dinner--I will try to cook one here for a family with whom we are very good friends--and tell them about the American holiday.  With no turkeys and no pumpkin or cranberries, it should be an interesting meal.  I'll let you know what we come up with!

We hope you are all well and doing fine in work or school, and that your families are happy.  We pray for you every day.  Please continue to pray for us too.
Um abraco grande (a big hug),

Mom and Dad, Elder and Sister Goff

Special hugs for the grandchildren:  Ryan, Christian, Nicole, Jessica, Shaylee, and Annabelle

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