Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Medical Miracle

Dear families, 

We have been enjoying busy days, and frequent ceremonies for humanitarian/welfare projects.
We want to tell you about a wonderful happening a week ago.  On April 11 (Sunday) the elders brought an investigator to church.  He was a man about age 30 who was a construction worker, but he fell off a scaffold 2 years ago, shattered his right leg, and had 6" steel bars put into his leg at that time to hold it together.  The bars were on the outside of his leg and stuck out, so he kept them covered with a cloth.  It looked painful, and indeed it was.

That Sunday, the doctor and his wife from Utah were visiting church here (they would be conducting the Neonatal Training during the coming week).  The doctor met the man and thought something could be done to help him.  The next day the doctor went to the hospital and spoke with the orthopedic surgeon about removing the bars from the leg.  The surgeon agreed to do the work for free.

So on Tuesday we, the elders and the man went to the hospital to locate the doctor-- no appointment had been made.  We found the doctor after he finished his meeting, and he met with the man right then, and said he would do the surgery "Right Now".  So he did!  With local anaesthetic, he removed the bars and Xrayed the leg to see that it had healed properly, which it had.  In less than two hours of our arrival at the hospital, the man was walking out, with just the elder holding him by the hand, and only a bandage on his leg.  He no longer has to use a walker. He is so happy!  No pain now.  He comes to church and everyone welcomes him.
This kind of thing probably would never happen in the US, because they would require an appt. several days (or more)  ahead of time, and other delays.  But to all of us here, it is a miracle.

We had a fun Family Home Evening last week.  The Young Adults have it on Wednesday at the church for Outreach.  When it was time to begin, there was a power outage, so no light.  Everyone (about 30) went outdoors (street lights were working OK) and we played games and socialized for an hour on the church patio.  The elders had brought an investigator, and we did not want to just send everyone home without a meeting, so we made some fun!

Larry is having much success teaching an English conversation class on Tues. and Thursday evenings before Institute--many kids come, seminary and institute age and some adults.

Yesterday we had Zone Conference, and those are always spiritually uplifting and lots of fun visiting with each other.

Hope you are all doing well, and please pray for us and give us your support-- it gets lonesome when we check our email and only see junk mail and ads.

Love to each one of you,

Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandma, Elder and Sister

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