Monday, July 26, 2010

Dear families and friends,

The time is passing so quickly--every time I turn around, another week is gone. 

Two very special birthdays are coming soon-- Christian will be 7 on Wednesday, July 28; and Ryan will be 8 on Wednesday, August 4.  Ryan also will be baptized soon, a very special happening!  We will be with both grandsons "in spirit", thinking especially of them, loving them, and wanting to hear about their celebrations and the baptism.

This morning we had a strange and funny happening:  outside there are lots of little chirping sparrows all day long, but this morning they seemed louder and closer than usual.  To our great surprise, we looked up at our front window to see a little bird perched inside our house on the edge of the shutter.  It was quite a trick to shew her outside, but we finally did so after she flew all around our kitchen and living room.
The little bird on our inside shutter.

We are noticing the many tender mercies of the Lord to us each day-- it's just a little thing perhaps, but I needed to buy several embroidery flosses for a tablecloth being made for us by one of the lady prisoners whom we teach how to sew.  We tried lots of stores looking for certain numbers, and even asked Marie to look in Utah, but we couldn't find them.  Then one day someone told us of another store to look at, and marvelously we found all but one at that store.  The lady has since finished the tablecloth (and I can stop worrying about it!).

Last Wednesday at Outreach, we and the Young Adults staged a surprise birthday party for the Seminary/Institute director.  We had his wife come to the meeting and speak to us as a Family Home Evening, and then we unveiled the big signs made to wish him Happy Birthday.  We had lots of treats and it was fun. Everyone had kept the secret very well!

Then on Friday evening for the Outreach activity, we gave a program about pioneers, telling the stories of the handcart pioneers, singing "Come,Come Ye Saints" and telling that story, and "The Handcart Song".  I wish we had had costumes, or at least hats, but no way to get them.  We then spoke about Elder Uchtdorf's talk in July 2008 "Ensign" and "Liahona" entitled "Heeding the Voice of the Prophets".  He talked about not having any Mormon ancestors who crossed the plains, but that he felt kinship with them, and he used the phrase "We are all pioneers."  That is especially applicable here, where most of the young people are newly baptized (within the past 2 years) and often are the only member (or active member) in their families.  It is also true of both Larry and me.  Some of the young people shared their own stories as part of the program.  Then we all joined in a little farewell for the missionary who would be leaving the next morning.

We also told about Elder L. Tom Perry's revelation about the strength of the Church and its future in Central Europe, and that it would come through the young adults; and therefore, they should have a special program (Outreach) to further their growth in the Church and keep them strong in testimony.  Outreach is a Church program for young adults that is now world-wide, and is especially active in the European countries, and we in Cape Verde are part of that area.

We wish for each of you good health and safety, and please know that we love each of you and pray for you every day.

We are having an enjoyable time here, but it is very, very hot and humid.

Love always, Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa, Elder and Sister

This is the pink palace ("Palace of the People"), a government building downtown--pink for all the granddaughters!

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